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Dental Health Products

We are pleased to offer for sale a range of carefully selected dental health products. These are available for purchase at any time. For more information please ask a member of staff.


Corsodyl Daily Mouthwash £6.50

Corsodyl Gel £6.50

Corsodyl Mouthwash £6.00

Corsodyl Toothpaste £5.50

Disclosing Tablets £3.50

Duraphat 2800 £8.00

Duraphat 5000 £12.50

Fluorigard Mouthwash £7.00
Retainer Brite £7.50

Satin Floss £2.50

Superfloss £3.50

Tepe (Interdental brushes) £4.00

Tepe (easy picks) £4.50

Tepe compact tuft brushes £2.50

Toothbrushing Timers £2.00


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