Welcome to
B & R Dental Care website.
Access During COVID-19 Pandemic
Updated September 2022
Having been open primarily for urgent care and emergency treatment during the COVID pandemic, from January 2021 we were able to open our doors to more routine dental appointments, having introduced more stringent infection control measures and enhanced PPE levels, and also with the vaccination programme being rolled out for our staff and patients.
If you are a registered patient and we have not yet been in touch with you please contact the surgery as soon as possible to book an appointment, this will keep your place at our practice. You may also find the appointment times are more limited, we physically cannot see the same volume of patients in a day and so you may have a longer wait for early morning or late afternoon appointments.
We also ask that when you receive a text message or email from us that you read the full message and put it into practice accordingly. We now send all forms digitally to reduce paper work and help prevent cross contamination. Please note the COVID-19 questionnaire is valid for 24hours, if these are completed any earlier they will need to be resubmitted within the appropriate time scale.
We are aware that for many of our patients, their dental disease and especially gum health may deteriorate if not controlled and prevented with appropriate care. So, we are trying to manage, control and prevent dental disease as much as we are able to. One of the ways is by having hygienist services available, as this offers a direct health benefit. If you wish to book a hygienist appointment please do not hesitate to contact the surgery, the reception team will be happy to help.
Our team have worked hard all the way though the pandemic, we have managed to remain open throughout, mainly due to the fact we were selected to be an Urgent Dental Care Centre from the start of the pandemic. This was a very challenging time for us, however we have made various changes to the way we deliver your care, including designated treatment sessions for aerosol generating procedures (AGP’s), more rigorous infection prevention procedures, more advanced respirator masks for certain treatment, and also installing special air extraction units in each surgery.
If you have a dental emergency please contact the surgery, we advise patients to call early when we open in a morning, rather than later in the day, when any emergency appointments are likely to have been taken. If we have no immediate available appointments we may book something for you in the coming weeks and add you to our cancellation list, which are reviewed daily.
We want to thank all our patients for your understanding during this time and look forward to welcoming you back to B & R Dental care in the coming months.​
Welcome to B & R Dental Care website. We are a family dental practice established over 60 years ago located in the port town of Goole and the nearby market town of Howden. These two towns in East Yorkshire are about 3 miles apart. Our patients come from these towns and the numerous villages surrounding them and as far as Hull, Scunthorpe and York.